



彰化師大體育學系成立於2001年,由時任體育室主任楊忠和博士著手籌備,並擔任創系主任。本系之設立乃因應教育改革及社會發展潮流,以培育中等學校體育師資、運動教練與運動管理專業人才; 冀望以明確的辦學理念與教育目標,及優質的師資、教學與研究環境,為國家培育更多優秀之運動專業人才,以提升國家整體競爭力。


  1. 培養兼具學科與術科能力之體育師資。
  2. 培育具外語與多元專業能力之運動產業與研究人才。
  3. 提供適性學習發展機會,養成具職場熱忱之專業人才。


  1. 本系擁有多位學有專精、跨領域博士級和國家代表隊資歷的堅強師資陣容。
  2. 提供優質的學習環境,並以完整之「柱」、「樑」、「頂」理念規劃課程,培養學生具備運動專業知識、技能,及著重學生外語與電腦能力之養成。
  3. 教學方式強調理論與實務的配合,學生除具備專業運動知識與技能外,並積極參與校內外運動相關活動之服務工作,增加豐富的實務經驗,以落實運動專業理論與實務配合的教育目標。


  1. 具有體育師資專門學科與術科之專業師資能力。
  2. 具有運動推廣之專業知識能力。
  3. 具有運動教練之專業知識能力。
  4. 具有培養規劃、辦理運動賽會與各項運動健康休閒活動實務能力。
  5. 具有外語、管理之專業知識能力。


The Department of Sports was founded in 2001. Dr. Jong-Her Yang served as the first Chair of the Department. Following the education reform and social trends, the Department aims to cultivate high school physical education teachers, sports coaches, and sports management professionals. With clear and comprehensive educational goals and objectives, professional faculty, and good-quality teaching and research environment, the Department is totally ready to nurture more excellent sports professionals, thereby promoting the national competitiveness.

Educational Goals

  1. Focusing on the integration of theoretical foundations and practical experiences, courses are developed to help students possess solid knowledge and sports skills.
  2. Planning sports coaching and management programes, providing students multi-disciplinary learning opportunities.
  3. Focusing on cultivating academic capacity and research participation, students are encouraged to advance their studies.
  4. Courses are designed to help students learn the planning ability in exercise programs, sports events, and leisure activities.
  5. Focusing on learning the second language and management skills, courses are developed to enhance students' competitiveness.

Educational Features

  1. The faculty includes multi-disciplinary professionals with Ph.D. and/or International-level athletic experiences.
  2. Using the "pillar", "beam", and "roof" from architectural concepts, our comprehensive curriculum helps students build up solid sports professional knowledge, skills, and related competency.
  3. Emphasis on teaching focuses on the integration of theoretical foundations and practical experiences, students regularly participate extracurricular activities to enrich their learning experience to match our educational goals.




Proposed by Dr. Jong-Her Yang, the Graduate Institute of Applied Sport Sciences was found in 2004. Dr. Chia-Chang Chang was the first Chair of the Graduate Institute of Applied Sport Sciences. Reflecting the needs of scientific, high-tec hnological and informational advancement in sport sciences, the Graduate Institute aims to enhance the levels of competitive sports and promote sport for all. With clear and comprehensive educational goals and objectives, and good-quality teaching and research environment, the Graduate Institute is totally ready to build up the system of cultivating future excellent professionals in applied sport sciences and develop a sport training center in mid-southern Taiwan.





  • 連絡電話:04-7232105轉1972徐小姐
  • 電子郵件:pe@cc2.ncue.edu.tw
  • 傳真電話:04-7211155


  • 連絡電話:04-7232105轉1939楊小姐
  • 電子郵件:ss@cc2.ncue.edu.tw
  • 傳真電話:04-7211155


  • 連絡電話:04-7232105轉1939楊小姐
  • 電子郵件:shprogram@cc2.ncue.edu.tw
  • 傳真電話:04-7211155